Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Ok guys...tell me if this is really hott!!!!?
My husband and I work different shifts, so we rarely get to see eachother and of course the kids are always home and we can't seem to get that extra time together that we need (you know) and with him working 6 days a week right now, it's impossible. Soooo last night I decided to show up at my husbands work in my skimpy summer dress with nothing under and gave him a bit of a surprise in the parking lot at his work. He had 30 minutes to kill and as I suspected it wouldn't take long. I haven't got to see him since (although he seemed very surprised and wowed) what do you think he thought? Ya think he thought it was hot?
What's YOUR favorite Queen song?
man, i love em ALL! :D my faves are Bohemian Rhapsody, 1 year of love, you're my best friend, and bicycle race..how bout you? I LOVE QUEEN!
What is your best moment with your siblings?
jus i wanna grab sum idea on this there r no supplies fr ideaz in my brain.plz help me so i could get a gist of it.................thanx
Why am i bleeding on birth control?
Alright, so i just started my birth control pill. In the middle of the 2nd week i started bleeding. My mom said that it's just spotting. but it's really bothering me because it's heavier than it should be. and i've been like this for 3 going on 4 days and it's not going away. it seems like i have my period, when's this going to go away? i'm also getting really bad cramps. i went on this pill to get rid of my dier cramps. but now i'm getting them so bad i'm in bed crying. i know my body is trying to get used to the pill thats why i'm bleeding but whys it so bad and when will it stop? please help me!
Is Faith not just deluded wishful thinking?
it, is in you, and you only. when you feel it then the answer will come to you. me i do be leave in Christ and i found him in my heart. no one can give you what you ask, find it your self.
What is this movie called?
I really don't know much about it, and i don't even know if what i think i know is right. But i remember seeing a movie when i was little. My older brothers and sisters were watching it and i happened to be around. I just remember that it scared the crap out of me. It is in like the desert or something. There is a problem with like these monsters killing people. I think they were like coming out of the ground or something and hurting people. for some reason i think they looked like rhino's or dinosaurs. I really have no clue, i'm just really curious about that movie. If you have any suggestion at all, i would love to hear it.
My dog is leaving small spots of urine on the floor. Is there something wrong with him?
I've noticed lately that there seems to be perhaps some urinary leakage. I've noticed small spots (about the size of a nickel) on the floor. There does not seem to be any other symptoms whatsoever. Any ideas on what this might be? Thanks.
Is there a FREE way to download games onto my phone like Pacman that came with my Samsung "Rant" cell phone?
actually you can purchase it on your handset and if you go into content manager on your online account you can ask for a refund and they will erase the charge. You are still able to use the game. Ive done this several times with games.
Can i be called at my work from a creditor?
I received a message at my work on there answer machine from a place i have a small loan with. this person reveled info about my situation that i did not need others to know. They did and i am mortified by it. Can these people do that and if not what do i do? I am not sure on n.y. law.
Guys at school?
This is hard because even if you scream, and complain about it, they are still going to do it, because they like the reaction they get out of it. My only advice to you without having you be a snitch is since you know this is gonna happen. the next time you see someone going at you to do those things, stop them before it happens.
Why do MLB managers NEED to put their closers in when they have a lead of 3 or less?
Especially when a middle reliever has been pitching great in previous innings! I'm tired of blown saves!
About Jesus' virgin birth?
god didn't do it .............. conception and birth is not possible without the intervention (in some way) of a man!
What are wheat hearts?
Someone gave me a terrific recipe for macaroons. The recipe is from a 1929 cookbook that calls for "wheat hearts". I have no idea what that is. Anybody???
Costumed Characters Copyright Infringement?
I own a entertainment business and was thinking about adding a spiderman character and a snow white character. However i want to avoid copyright infringement... if i change the name to "Spiderguy" and "Forest Princess" is that good enough? or do i have to change the costumes as well. Will Disney sell me a license?
Pick Two: Ray Rice, Brian Westbrook, Ryan Grant, or Cedric Benson?
Rice and Benson. When they met the 1st time this year, Benson ran for 120 and scored a td and that was at Baltimore. Look for him to do the same or more @ home.
Is the world coming to a Revolution?
Revelation. False religion will fall. Then the nations will turn their eyes to God's people and that will be when God steps in. You could call it a Revolution because God's government will take over.
Your opinion on Hinder's singer dissing Kurt Cobain?
I personally think it's a load of bullshit. He had no right to talk about Kurt Cobain like that. Kurt Cobain contributed so much more to music than that will ever amount to in his lifetime. Far much more. Hinder says they're Rock. Bullshit! A rock musician would respect Kurt Cobain and all that he did to revolutionize music.
Chemistry: Please help me?
The addition of the atomic numbers at both sides of a nuclear equation must be the same, as well as the addition of m numbers, so 1 is a and 2 is d.
Acne = sad face. i feel like i have to cake my face up!?
i have been getting more and more acne everyday and i hate it!! i wash my face twice a day and moisturize and always remove my make up before bed.. i have also tried making myself sleep on my back so my face doesn't get stuff from my hands or arms or pillows! it seems like no matter what i do, it doesn't go away.i also have been using bare minerals "blemish therapy" after i apply my moisturizer before i put on my makeup, i read that its good for yur skin. i have oily skin that usually doesn't break out that much, buh now its like peral harbor! just kiddingg not that bad, not yet. on my cheeks and forehead:/ im also 14, sooo could all of this just be my hormones? ugh!!! help any suggestions, any feedback on what im doing?
My little Rat Terrier's mouth is swollen?
This morning I noticed my dog's muzzle was swollen on the outside of his mouth.It certainly wasn't there last night. Anyhow, he is still himself and perky like normal. I gently rubbed it to see if it was causing any pain, but he didn't mind and it appears to be having no impression on him at all. Last night him and my other dog were play fighting pretty rough, and so I'm wondering if he might have bumped himself pretty good, but like I said he is showing no pain, and he is not pawing at it. So do you have any ideas what this might be? How can I help it to go down? Any answers are appreciated. :)
Is lithium lipid soluble in the body?
I am working of a drug project. I am jsut confused because I umed that if a drug is lipid soluble then it is probably primarily excreted through bile and not the kidney. Well, my drug (that I made up for pharmacology cl) is lipid soluble because it has to cross the Blood brain barrier in order to exert it's effects on the brain...and lithium enter milk so I ume it is lipid soluble but my drug book says it is excreted unchanged through the kidneys...? how do you explain a lipid soluble drug being excreted unchanged through the kidneys? Thanks alot.
Do women tend to ovulate 14 days after your period or 14 days before the next one?
Actually, ovulation doesn't have to be in the middle of the cycle, and it doesn't have to be 14 days before your period. You should read Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler so you can chart or read your body's signs about ovulation. The day in your cycle in which you ovulate can vary. However, the luteal phase (time period from ovulation to your period) is usually the same. Various factors can delay ovulation, but again, the luteal phase generally remains constant.
Will an AMD Turion 64 X2 mobile technology TL-50 / 1.6 GHz processor run the sims 3?
im gonna go out on a limb and say that your machine struggles just with booting. 1.6 ghz duel core + vista + 2gb ram..... you should keep a jar of pringles next to your computer just for when your waiting on youtube. not a chance for sims 1 to work, let alone sims 3
Need a captivating back cover description for my book, which doesn't give anything away?
The book sounds amazing and the blurb you put with it is very pulling and will make the reader want to read the book. Well done. XD
Corrupt Practices of the CIA?
Okay so I'm doing this project on how the CIA's practices are morally unjustified. I have (for evidence) Project MK-Ultra, but I need more than that. It also needs to be TRUE and I have to have a bibliography. We all know MK-Ultra was DEFINITELY underway and is 100% true, but things like accusing the CIA of 9/11 and whatnot are just (in politically correct terms) "conspiracy theories". I need TRUE evidence. Oh, and preferably at least 20 years old
What do think about starting a grroots campaign to make a law that banishes convicted gang members?
Banishment is democratic; it would cover citizens and non citizens who are convicted felons with gang affiliations. Would that help or hinder your neighborhood?
Awww plz help spacer makes me sound retarted!?
yea so I got one of those spacers that stick to the top of your mouth and you have to turn them twice a day, well yea I just got one today and I cant talk! I SOUND LIKE A RETARD LIKE NOT OTHER! I now have the worst lisp too!! will it go away? AWWW
Newton's Enigma?
Really, none of the above. It may increase or remain unchanged. I'm not sure if it can decrease. On average, and at sufficient distance, it's ogous to approaching a solid, spherical body of the same radius and average density; i.e., unchanged. But with a cluster you can be very close to the CG of one of its component bodies while remaining at a 1-radius distance from the composite CG. The inverse square law can have a large effect here, producing more g than you would experience on the surface of the equivalent solid body if the ratio of material density to average density is large enough. Basically the 2-body approximation fails and it's a multibody situation. Whether the result is an increase or a decrease in g depends on particulars of the conditions.
How to dress bohemian?!?
I really like the boho style but i don't know how to add it to my wardrobe. I also like indie stuff too. Any tips to get that look?
Is the K750 by Sony Ericsson any good?
ive always been a nokia man but my last one (6101)died prematurley and i payed wayy 2 much for it in the 1st place. anyways Optus is advertisin the k750 for $199 prepaid; as i got no experience with S.E's i was just wonderin if this is a good phone?? i want a phone that can take a few knocks, and has an intuitive (easy to navigate) menu like nokias. thankkssss!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
If I cook taco meat at a low heat for a longer time will it be more tender?
You are cooking ground beef. The fat content will be a factor but cooking it slower will not make it any more tender. Cooking it longer may dry it out, so just make sure it is cooked through. If you grind your own sirloin or other cuts, then it might be more tender because the chunks may be larger depending on which wheel you use on your grinder.
What should his last name be?
Well i'm writing a novel you see that i've been planning for 5 years. All i need now is the main character's last name and i can get workin on this bad boy. Any suggestions? The guy's first name is MacKenzie. Funny yes but that's why he has a hard time in school
Tight pants???
Dude no. You dont wanna kill all your little soldiers before you get to high school. Would you go to a gun fight with and unloaded gun? I didn't think so.
I'm looking to be Judy Jetson for halloween?
and I would like to create my own costume and not purchase the cheap one they sell at halloween stores. However, I'm having trouble finding some Judy-like futuristic tops/dresses and skirts. I was thinking of a vinyl outfit, but every time I search for it, I get less than good results. If anyone has any ideas about clothing or accessories, or whatever, I would appreciate it!
I need someone who understands my life!?
hahahahah nice 1 emm me when im bored i dunno loadsa **** youtube,bebo,tagged,facebook, lol the usual
What do you get from this shy guy's body language?
He sounds like a guy who doesn't have a lot of dating experience, making out with you took away all the anxiety he was feeling and gave him confidence. I guess yes it might seem to transform a guy because in a way you have. He sounds like a gentleman who is very interested in you, the holding you close and smiling to himself is an indication of joy on his part-since your used to abusive guys....does that mean you like them?? Quite simply he wants to love you, and you to love him, if a guy is after just ..he will persistently bug you for it and will appear very disappointed if he doesn't get it.
Are you troubled about our future Sovereign ?
Not at all. I don't see that his flying capability has anything to do with his ability to be the reigning monarch no more than your ability to learn to ride a bicycle as a child has any bearing on how well you do at your current profession.
Pill question, since i have come off my pill (microlyte) which i took for two years...?
my skin has become more oily, is this anything to do with the withdrawel from the pill?I was a bit teary for a while but thats gone now, iam 21 surly too old to have teenager skin problems iv been there done that!! Anything i can do?
3 month old infant not drinking as he should?
He's always been fed expressed milk and formula (not producing enough milk - medical reasons). He has a milk allergy and is on enfamil nutramigen. Has also tried similac, similac soy, and simiac sensitive. Basically he drinks about 2 oz milk and 2 oz formula (since 6 weeks old approximately the same amount). I have tried to give more and he refuses. Recently, he arches his back, stretches out his legs and screams as if in pain. I have to force him to eat the amount that he does, either while sleeping or by talking softly. I have to work very hard to get him to drink for 3 out of the 6 feedings. He sleeps about 9 hours a night and eats about every 3-4 hours. At birth and at 2 month check up he was at 50% for weight and length (height). Any suggestions?
How do you get a boyfriend?
well i want a boyfriend really bad because i haven't had one for almost 1 and a half years and i like somebody at school but he won't answer me and i ask him if he will go out with me and he says he doesn't so i have SOME of my friend at school to ask him out for me and he still say i dont know yet just wait for me to get used to you alittle bit thanks bye love mackenzie runyan
Choosing SF State over UC's or the other way around?
All the alums I know from Berkeley and UCLA have said that attending a top university was the best thing they have done. In my experience, having a brand name college degree does open up doors and opportunities for you that may not be otherwise available.
What's the best age for kids to start training in MMA / UFC?
Like it's been said, there is no set age that works for everyone. I'd say you can start getting them into the core discipline such as wrestling, judo, boxing, BJJ, karate, taekwondo or whatever probably about age five. It's a great way to learn things like respect, work ethic, teamwork and so on. I don't know of too many places that actually have children's MMA programs, but again I think if you can find one, five is probably the earliest I'd want them to start training.
Whos having a roast dinner today ??if so what you having?
we got roast beef ..marrow ..carrots greens ..roasted parsnips ..yorkshire pud ...and roast potatoes
Help my QuickDraw-dandy deck?
first of all, no lonefire blossom?! easy way to get another dandylion with the tokens on the field. your synchros are pretty good, for your spells, try a pot of avarice to get back synchro material monsters to use again, and it gives you 2 more cards. you should probably include a caius as well, for decent attack power, also his effect is good. because you already have a heavy storm, you don't need trunade. i would a dark bribe or another solemn instead for pesky bottomless's and other annoying crap. other than that, good deck, these are fast in today's metagame, and maybe could outstep blackwings. go to a tournament with one of these and you could go to the top.
To call IRS or not to call IRS?
The IRS has nothing to do with overdue child support, so calling them would be useless. You need to contact your local child support enforcement agency. If they file the proper paperwork and your ex has a federal tax refund next year, it would be taken and sent to you if he still is behind on payments.
Army Reserve to Marine DEP?
Listen you did nothing wrong. You actually did the right thing by backing out and improving your grades. Education first because the Military will always be there. What the Marine Recruiter is talking about is the Army was suppose to write a official letter discharging from the branch. If you did go to basic training during the Split Op, you were partially in the Military upon graduation. The Army is the only branch that has the Split Op bs. I will tell you the Army is a little disappointed that they started your training and you backed out. You will be fine. Dont worry yourself about the discharge, it is just a formality. The Marines will be a Experience you never forget from Day 1 of boot camp. Trust me. Its been 22yrs and i remember Day 1 like it was yesterday.
What book themes do you think have been overdone?
i think its because they have been made into very famous movies or tv shows but you can`t really force or band any more upcoming books about vampires.
Stomach Flu and Feeding!?
Alternate the with formula untl you get your strength back, express your milk if you can and get your partner to feed bubs for a few days.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
How can I get a refund on Halo 3?
THATS WHY YOU HACK YOUR XBOX AND **** MICROSOFT OVER HUNDREDS WORTH DOWNLOADED GAMES. because they **** thousands of kids around the world every day, and every month with their stupid fees.
Where can I donate magazines to the military?
As an avid MAD magazine reader, I noticed a year or two ago that an Army librarian in Iraq thanked MAD for donating magazines, as the troops were very bored over there. I have gathered various magazines, tons of MAD magazines (from pretty much '99 on), lots of Maxims, Stuffs and 106 various skin magazines (hah!). I know the troops (especially some of the males) would appreciate them. I have already looked around on the internet but there seems to be no easy way to go about it, most ask for magazines for USO waiting rooms in airports and such, not going to the stationed troops. Thanks in advance!
I have a chevy 393 motor that i is still sitting on the engine stand?
Timming is off for sure ....double check all your marks on timing chain.....sounds like you didnt have it top dead center when you put it together if so it will never run
What do you think was the greatest decade for movies?
I like the 60's. They're still my favorite movies. The Graduate, Midnight Cowboy, Psycho, The Sound of Music, Marry Poppins. Love the music from then, I grew up on the Beatles, The Stones, the Beach boys and love Bob Dylan !
How do is set a pword on my wireless network?
i have a lynksys router up and a completely unsecured network on it. how can a set a pword on the network. i am using a macbook with leopard if that helps.
In 1989 after the exxon accident,A bill was enacted to put a cap on the responsibility of oil company's?
President Clinton signed it into law when he took office,it states that an oil company is only responsible for 75 mill of any clean up.The contingency was that the Federal gov.would be in control of the decision on where these company's could drill.So knowing this we also know the feds picked the sight of where this new catastrophe is.This sight was not the Original sight to drill by BP their request was to drill closer to shore and granted by the state of New Orleans.The feds denied and made them drill at the sight that is destroying the golf coast.So I say it is the federal govs fault and BP has a law suit.This makes Obama an idiot and a liar.What say you?
Will Disney Channel have another crossover?
Because they already had That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana and then they had Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana- Maybe like Wizards of Waverly Place, JONAS, and Sonny With a Chance
Best line in a song, ever?
Here's two that get my vote: "Little old lady got mutilated late last night." From Werewolves of London. Artist escapes me. Gets a vote for tongue twister-ness. Number two: "Reach down...between my legs.....ease the seat back..." Artist is Van Halen, dammit, WHAT's the song?? Aw, you know what it is. Gets vote because, come on, when you first heard that, what were you imagining? And then - Oh, yeah, the SEAT...! You could just picture yourself in that situation!
What are the chances of a man getting alimony in California if he got caught by police 4 women?
My step dad was caught by police with 4 counts of touching women in intimate areas. My mom found out when someone recognized him at church and we checked online on the court web site. They have 2 sons together that are 12, and 10 and he has the boys wrapped around his finger. He makes the boys hate my mom for leaving him and she finally just moved out. He kept losing his accounts as an auto detailer because of his sick problems women everywhere he went. The divorce will be over before we know if he is found guilty or not so I am worried that this molestor will get alimony from my mom due to him being a pervert and losing accounts along with having to shar custody with him! He lies about his income to the courts because he gets paid all cash and he laughs at my mom saying shes going to be paying him all of this money.... Anyone know the probability of him getting away with this because he is still in the process of being convicted before the divorce is over?
Whats next after video game graphics?
what is next after video game graphics?i wonder what it will be because in a few years the videogame graphics will look perfect but whats next after that ?
Halo 2 for PC (vista) mods?
So I'm trying to do this glitch in campaign. Unfortunately, it'll only work if my character is invincible. Is there any mods out there that can do this?
Help! Help the PAKISTAN. Suggest few ideas to improve it's financial position and standard of living?
All countries to impose an anti terror tax and share it with Pakistan PROVIDED the terrorism attacks in that country stop.
Help me please...gum around wisdom tooth swollen?
Relax...it is your wisdom tooth try to come in. If you bite on the gum that cover the wisdom tooth, it will swell up and causes pain. So have soup for a few days. No hard food of any kinds. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. If you have water-pik, use a gentle cycle to clean the gum around the wisdom tooth will make it heal faster.
Problem with Network Adapters for Wifi?
I bought a new Gateway laptop from Best Buy about 3 weeks ago. My roommate used to use this unsecured wifi connection on her laptop which I started using too..I brought the laptop in to work to setup vpn a few days after I bought it. Since the, everytime I try and connect to the unsecured free Wifi, it gives the message "Diagnose Conenction problems". When I click on it, it displays "Problem with Network Adpaters". I dotn even have the windows cd that the laptop came with to put all the default setting backs. I did a system restore yesterday and still the same problem. Now, I have a new laptop but I cannot even use it. I am planning to buy wifi connection of my own but am scared that it is going to have the saem network adapters issue!!! Pls help and advice if possible. Thnx in advance
Ideas for something sweet to do for the girl I like? (tricky situation though)?
yes ask her out for dinner make it romantic and btw she is prolly acting distant so you will follow her aka playing hard to get! so go all out for v day even buy her a necklace that says forever or something sweet like that
I think fate loves mocking me :( and im jealous now?
give it time se what happens and i can tell you that 90% of the time if you go into a relationship were you don't know the person that well it ends fairly quickly/badly
Is this something serious?
My 3 year old came home from part day preschool, accusing a little boy of touching her with a doctor needle multiple times. This isnt the first time shes mentioned this little boys name. She has told me of prior incidences, where this little boy has laid on her and/or kissed her. Should I be concerned, and have a sit down with the pre-school director? Or chop it up to kids 'Play Dr'?
feeding, and what i eat, question?
just curious... would drinking alot of apple juice upset my newborns tummy through milk? i have been drinking alot of it lately and my boy seems restless... what about yoghurt? and what other foods should i avoid while im feeding?
Can you believe I have the blueprint to the Original Man?(aka, the original way of life of all humanity beings
If you are not on substances, then if I were you, I would try and sell this blueprint on ebay. It might save humanity!
What do you think of ocho cinco (Chad Johnson) wanting to become a cowboy a long with Pacman Jones?
i dont think that ocho will be a cowboy. and pacman being a cowboy i think will happen even though its a stupid move for the boys
Lawsuit question: Who would this bed belong to?
Because she said, "You can just have the bed," it means she gave it you. As a gift, it's legally yours.
Does anyone know any good PS2 games that are fun and can keep me busy for a long time?
No shooting or sports games... By shooting I mean Grand Theft Auto ect... Games like Ratchet and Clank are ok, though... Please... I need a game to keep me occupied for a long time... Help?
Im getting a dyslexia test, but i don't think I need it - am I therefore a time waster?
no I dont think its a waste of time because I never knew I was dyslexic until I took the test I say its good to know for sure plus its a simple test and some parts are sorta fun if you like defining words and all that
What is the proper attire for family day; the day before basic training graduation?
My son graduates from bct next month. I have found the answer for proper attire at the graduation itself, but what about family day? The day before graduation, I believe spent on base with your soldier.
How would one distinguish love at first sight and lust?
An ancient statement such as "Love at first sight" doesn't ring true to me at all. Perhaps there may be experiences that blossom the growing flower of friendship into love, in which case I could see "love at first sight of the many good deeds and personality traits this person has" but truly seeing something as elusive as love and mistaking lust for love seems extremely likely. Romeo was easily smitten
Car idles to high can it be that it needs a good carburetor cleaning even after it in drive idles at 4000 rpm?
1986 olds cutty its on for like 10-15 minutes you can say it warms up and it idles real high you put it in drive still idles you take your foot of the break and it takes off fast so you have to break real violently like if your parallel parking .. what could be the problem tune up?? or timing or a carburetor cleaning or adjusting because its really dirty?? help me out
Itunes question plzz answer :-(?
i was on my moms username on mii computer and i redeemed an itunes gift card thenn i boughtt boom boom pow and tried to put it on mii itouch but it said i couldnt cuz itt would delete all of mii songs and apps then i went to put go on mii username but it said i didnt have any money. Does anyone no how to gett the money on 2 mii acountt??? plzz help mee. If this helps, 2mrws mii birthdayy and thats y i have the gift cards. lol plzz help thnxx
Can I put unused multivitamins into my compost heap or toss them around my plants?
I have Flintstone vitamins that I'm not going to use. Could my shrubs and trees or compost heap benifit from these nutrients?
Saturday, January 7, 2012
How can I gain some strength and confidence so i can ignore everyone who is dissing me ?
People were calling me names for being in an arranged marriage because of not being able to find a girl. I want to gain confidence so i can ignore all these people, how can i do this ??
To be blocked or not to be blocked?
Well good for you, do you think you deserve a medal? I'm sure you block those who have the courage to come here and post some of the truths about the negative aspects of Islam, and there are many. Instead of advocating blocking of people, why not advocate the right to free speech. These people are not insulting Islam, they are speaking the truth about it. If that offends you then you should perhaps reconsider the religion you follow. One of the things that non-Muslims can clearly see is that Islam is not totally a religion of peace. It contains much that is vile and evil. Speaking about that does not make these people disrespectful or trolls. Have you even taken a look at some of the rude, hateful, condescending answers that some Muslims give. Is it so difficult to skip the question instead of stuping to the level of disrespect some of them take.
Lump on neck of a three year old, grandparents making me paranoid, HELP?
My son has had this lump on his neck for over a year now and i have had it checked out by a doctor who said it was just a bit of gristle underneath the skin. Now his nanna and grandad are making me paranoid giving me leaflets about childhood cancers and stuff saying that thats what it could be because it's getting bigger (which i haven't noticed and he's with me more then them) and that i should get it checked out again etc. They are making me really paranoid about it, what do i do? Should i take him back despite already being told by a doc that it's a piece of gristle?
What happened to alexandra burke?
she won xfactor didn't she so what happened to her now? when's her singing career going to lift off???? or was she just in it for the cash. i mean xfactor did go 2 waste then as alexandera isnt entirely a brilliant singer, which is so unfair for the people who reached the final like jls and eoughan
Should I get Varivax / varicella ( chicken pox) vaccine?
In a regular blood test following a physical, my doctor told me I need to get chicken pox vaccine. I am 35 and had chicken pox when I was 7 or 8. My recent blood test apparently showed low levels of antibody to VZV (I think it was 0.9) - so my doc said I needed the vaccine. My doc does not keep the vaccine so gave me a Rx for it to take to the pharmacy, but they said they can not get it. So 1) should I get the vaccine and 2) how do I get it?
Help! my sister spilled tomato sauce on my brother'z lap top?
and now it'z all in the little ventz on the side and in the usb thing. i'm trying my best to clean it by puttin paper towel on a fork and sticking it in there to clean it. what can i do, it doesn't clean too well! help!
This one's for the Pagans....
My family has been having some issues with my teenage stepdaughter (acting out, being resentful, becoming emotionally detached, etc.) I'm planning a blessing of the home to banish the negative energy but I'm wondering; Is there a more specific ritual/blessing that might be preferable?
Mean teacher probs? 10 POINTS PLZZ HELP?
So our teacher (Mrs.Kelley a.k.a. Mr.Belley-Kelley-Fattey) is so mean to us. Today we were annoying her and we were sneezing and coughing on cue and dropping our books at the same time and then she yelled at us. But we only did this because she is always yelling, screaming and being rude. She yells at kids. She talks about bad parenting skills, for kids who misbehave. She only has one favorite and that is Carrie (a.k.a. Karrie, Queen of Dorks, Nerddy Black) and she is a kiss-up. Everyone hates her. The whole grade hates her except for Karrie. And she said if we ever try to "terrorize" her again by dropping books she is going to tell the principal. But many of us still want revenge. Do you think she is a mean teacher? And what revenge (if any) should we get on her. No prank calls because the school has caller ID.
My four week old baby boy has seemed to develop A small imbilical hernia,should i be seriously considerned?
well this is what you should really do go to the doctor if its like a serious like a tumor take it to the hospital you should get it checked out okay then if they say its very bad i'll donate don't worry and i'll pray for it to be better hope it's fine!
If a Coalition of Independants offered this, would you vote for them?
What? No mention of nationalisation of the means of production and exchange under workers control? What about destroying the bourgeoisie as a cl? Ah, you have missed the point!
Why is my old friend copying me? In photos and things like that and style..?
We were best friends for about 5/6 years. When we went to secondary school, people liked me. I was nice, cheerful friendly person. But my friend sort of kept me under her control. I wasn't really allowed to have friends because i was scared of being unfaithful to her. The girls liked me, but didn't like what i was changed into, because of my old friend. She was bossy. She has a bad home life and i think she sometimes wished she lived with us. When we were both 11 she tried to commit suicide, her family sadly fell apart after her grandad's death. I became concerned when she wouldn't answer my calls. I called her mom and she found her crying in her room trying to suffocate herself. She rethought and after came on holiday with us. She practically lived at our house. We laughed and shared some happy moments. Then everything kicked off. Everyone supposedly 'Bullied' her. I didn't see any of it going on. We told each other the closest secrets. Eventually i moved away. SHe started self harming and i didn't want to be around that. I got my own friends who originally liked me. They're my best friends now. She then stopped coming to school. She got another school after missing 5 months of education. Our school sorted it out. SHe got in the wrong crowd and we fell out again. In the holiday after i apologised saying we were good friends and i didn't want to part like that, so we were okay with one another. We haven't fell out since. After the last 3 years since, i've seen her twice. In the holidays were given. I spoke to her in last summer holiday, i told her about the boy who likes me (who she still likes but goes to our school) she said 'Jealous, your so lucky!' i said 'No not really, he hared me.. he's not nice' Im friends with him now, he still likes me, i like him. I sa her the other day then. I looked on her facebook pictures, their basically all the same as mine. Like one smiling with red lipstick on (like my idol, Marilyn) straight face with no expression and my eyes popping out because of mascara.. the same. She's also copying the way i dress too. My style. I like skinnies with a rock tee or most of the time i wear a short (cute, not slutty, i have this nice vintage 1940's look a like one which i team with a belt and cardigan) She's copied that aswell. I said 'Where did you get your dress from?' She said 'TK Maxx' i said 'Oh, well i got mine from there, the belt, shoes and the cardigan' She looked at me. She knows where i got them from because in one of my facebook pictures taken with my friends im the odd one out because im wearing a dress. My friend commented saying asking where i got my dress. She must of looked and went to the same shop. I got so angry. She also copies the way i look and she started to stalk the boy who likes me's facebook page. Why won't she stop? She's also adapted to my habit of talking D:
If you think vaccines should be mandated...?
It may be the parent's right to care for their children and determine their medical care, but it is the government's right to protect all of its citizens from diseases that can cause epidemics. There were many more children dying and/or being impaired prior to vaccines being introduced. Vaccines are a requirement for children to enter public schools. If they have missed some prior to this time, it is not necessary for the child to receive them all. However, they must be current on those appropriate for their age. It is possible to avoid vaccines for religious purposes, and there are children with immune system problems who do not benefit from the vaccines. Overall, our society is healthier due to the introduction of vaccines. In general, vaccination is currently enforced in the best manner possible. It is doubtful the CDC would resort to removing children from their home for a vaccination, unless the general population were threatened.
Bibliography Help - Which sources should I include?
Okay, there are two ways of doing this. If your teacher wants Works Consulted, put down everything you looked at. If the teacher wants Works CITED, on the other hand, only include the sources you actually used.
I dont know why it happened?
I went out in the morning to keep d dumpster outside from the backyard door and my husb got out from d garage door to leave ind morning..when he left he closed d garage door and i thot how will i get in..it never clicked me tht i came from backyard so tht door wud b open ...i borrowed a phone and thot of caling him..by the time i c him cming back..he asked me - where di u enter d house from? i was stunned coz i dint think abt it... whats rong wid me ...i feel so sick and frustrated wid myself.
Are my dreams of emigration ruined ? am i trapped here in the uk- can someone advise please ?
If it was Amercia they would not let you in , because you have a criminal record, I am not to sure about Mexico or other countries .
Hey can i ask you?is this true?
we need to pray so that we donts follow whats the world?but then sometimes when we dont pray for long it seem we follow the world style?so which is which?why do we need to pary?is it we are easily influenced?also i thought is human nature to follow desire how could we avoid these feelings,example twp couple date,do we also need to deny that feeling?also when we hungry do we need to act we are not hungry when eating?i dont get it as bible said do not follow worldly things when thats how our on condition is?
Youtube On My Mobile Phone?
I Have a Samsung/verizon alias which can flip both ways one side for texting internet games and music and the other side for calling or dialing numbers im not sure what the model number is somthing close to samsung SCH U740 when i go on the internet and try to watch a youtube video on youtube mobile i get a malaformed url message which appears on every video i go to? is it my phone which dosent support youtube or is it somthing i didnt download or i need to switch the settings or somthing like that
Should I talk to him?
You should rebuild the friendship.it sounds that he really likes you he probably acts mean because he probably wants to be more than just friends.
Any discreet ways to reduce size?
Im a 14 year old gau and my is already 6 inches long. Its really annoying when Im at school and get a hard on in the boys changeroom (I'm obv gay fyi) and rea;ly embarrasing. The guys all go like "ew" and ****. Is there any ways to stop it from getting much bigger, slow it down on reduce it? Its pissing me off!
What do you value more Spirit or Gender? Appearance Or Spirit?
As a Aquarius myself I believe both appearnce is what attracts you but the spirit is what holds you together
A vegan conundrum?
It's called do what you can. I'm no vegan but as a vegetarian or as you... there is no guarantee that you won't be involved in an accident when you go to the store in your car and possibly kill another human being in the process... so what do you do? you aren't into killing people I hope. Well by your reasoning you should never set foot in a car because of the chance you will hurt someone... but you still drive. You watch for other cars and try not to hit anyone... right? In other words... you do what you can. That's all this is about as a vegetarian or a vegan... " What can I do to make a difference?" "How can I reduce my footprint and still live in society?" What it comes down to is this... you find the medium that will allow you to live with your conscience and still be able to function as a human in society... that's it. Again, you do what you can. Understand?
How to get rid of spotty arms??
My arms are covered in tiny little spots... loads of people have told me to cover them in cream and exfoliate lots... i've been doing this all the time but nothing seems to be working. I have a really healthy diet so I don't understand why?? Does anyone know how to get of them.... P.L.E.A.S.E.....xx
How to avoid a custody BATTLE?
First you need to contact legal aid and see if they will do the custody for you. Some states they do and some they do not. That way you know if you will have a lawyer or not through them. Next, you can make it joint custody with you getting final say if you cannot decide on something. Make sure you get physical custody otherwise it becomes a mess. Also, make sure in the papers it states the exact days he is to have the child. Days and times. Also, put something in there about when the child starts school and then the new visitation rules as all that will change once the child starts school. I would look into a head start type of program once the child is old enough that way you get childcare at a reduced cost for the times of the head start.
How to find out concentration in following condition:?
In most colorimeters the light path is fixed at 1 cm meaning light will p through only in 1 mL of solution. In any event, the volume should matter little as long as you are using the same volumes for both your standards and unknown samples. You can then read the optical density of the sample, get its concentration from the standard curve and back calculate your way to the original non diluted sample.
Friday, January 6, 2012
I feel lost in life...I need help as a senior in high school?(10Pts)?
Yea maybe the 13th best Public school if you are talking about the highland park that I am thinking of you are crazy.
What's the rule about player in the crease in the nhl?
I saw a goal disallowed between Minnesota and Anaheim today because a player was in the crease, but he had made no contact what so ever with the goalie. I thought they nuked that rule way back in 1999. PLEASE ANSWER THIS FOR ME!!! Its really really really bugging me!
Is an umbilical hernia considered a fault on a show dog?
I was wondering if a dog that has an umbilical hernia can be showed and will having the hernia fixed make the dog eligible for show?
Why is God cherry picking ,or why are his devoted cherry picking?
God isn't entrapping anyone. He is offering Paradise. Yes, everyone has free will and everyone is a sinner. But if you ask God for forgiveness and you are sincere then you are forgiven. If you have read the Bible, then you decide what to do with the info that you're given. If you decide not to believe in Him then you have nothing to worry about, right?
Is Channel 4 or E4 ahead on Shameless?
I want to start watching Shameless, but dont know which channel I should start watching it on. I want the one that is behind.. Thanks guys!! :o)
Fantasy Smackdown: Candice and Miss Jackie vs. Melina and Gail Kim?
well melina and gail kim win, how? well miss jackie decides to turn heel on candice michelle and give her a stiff kick to the jaw when she is about to tage her, then melina is shocked but takes advantage with her finisher for the 3 and melina and gail kim looked shocked but then they all start smiling because they were in cahoots all along!!!
Chemistry! HELP!?
you would write it like this potium Sulfate + Barium Chloride = Barium Sulfate + Potium Chloride, and the atoms would be together unless there is an instantanious decomposition then they are serperate.
What are some good Part 3 movies?
In honor of the recent (and rather ambiguous) announcement made by Chris Nolan regarding a third Batman movie, let's have a little fun and see if we can't indeed think of some good Part III's with which to inspire him. Jog your memories, raid your obsolete VHS collection, your Flixters, your Imdbs and your Rottentomatoes accounts. What are your favorite cinematic part 3's?
Is it possible for this guy to be a "player" according to his natal chart or is just not going to happen?
You want honesty... NO chart will tell you what kind of life you will live. That is a personal choice you will make everyday you wake up. The next few years you may wake up wanting to get a new girl in bed than that will happen. Don't be surprised if one day you wake up wanting to start a family. Its all a personal choice you make everyday. If you don't care about STDs just having than that's what you will do. Enjoy it just be careful because if for some unfortunate event you do end up with STDs and you spread that knowing you have it the cops will bust up your plan to "live your life by sleeping with lots of different women" So it pays to be cautious!
I have an accent, but I am not a foreigner?
I'm from Chicago, and a lot of people here in Florida seem to think I'm Australian because of my accent. Go figure, eh?
Statistics of embryonic stem cell research?
I have been doing some reading of the various journal articles on esc research and have discovered that a lot of times their statistical ysis is flawed (I'm a mathematician, not a clinical researcher). For example, if an experiment studied 20 rats and 8 of them died, most of the time the result of those 8 rats are not included in the final ysis, showing a much higher rate of "cure" than there actualy was. Has anyone else noticed this? Has anyone done a literature review to see if this is prevailant in the science literature? Could I just have had too small of a sample of the literature?
Is it a good idea to order a quinceanera dress online?
Ok so i found a dress i really like for my quinceanera...but the problem is that i have to order it online. is it a bad or good idea to order it ..Please Help http://www.prettyquinceaneradress.com/dresses/Chic-ball-gown-sleeveless-Floor-length-hot-pink-Quinceanera-Gown-X2010119019/6231
I could really use some help with my rsd.?
Hey everyone. My names Alex, I'm 13 and Ive had rsd for about 2 years. I have had it since about early october 2006. I fell and I got up normally once I put wait on my foot I felt a sharp pain in my big toe. A couple days later I went to a routine check up and asked my doctor about it he thought it was just a bruised bone. He told my to just go easy on it and take Tylenol or advil. About a week later it was still there so I went to see another doctor at I think forbes regional. He thought I had a fractured growth plate so he told me to wear one of those black sandal like boots. After another visit to him I went to another doctor at the children's hospital he decided to put me in a cast I was in it for about 2 weeks after it wouldn't go away he figured out I had rsd so he told me to go to physical therapy and get nerve blocks. I did that for about a month it started to get worse and spread I eventually started going to 3 therapy sessions a week at the children's institute. Still got worse. So my parents and therapist decided to put me in the inpatient therapy. WORST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE! I had to do therapy non stop from 9 to 12 got an hour break to eat then did therapy from 1 to 4 (constant excruciating pain). I also had to sleep there. I did physical therapy, occupational therapy, bio feedback, saw a shrink, and did recreational therapy. I was depressed all the time. I continued to get worse. After a month my parents decided to pull me out because of emotional state. I started to get reiki and now I am taking neurontin and getting reiki from my mom who's has been training ever since I started getting it. Right now I have on all of my right foot constantly have to have it elevated cant touch it or even turn on the air conditioning or turn on the radiators in the room I'm in. I could really use some help please suggest a medication or something that helped you. I would really like to get back to my normal life even though I believe this will extremely help me in the rest of my life.
I went to school for designer and all i get is 9 dollar an hour job that is what i went to school for come on?
i work for company like trangle fire in miami and meltpoint plastic and twin city gl and all pay 9 buck an hour and i drew there blue prints and every thing what the hell is that and bel inc too what crap is that dam my life suck *** then when i get pay good they dont like how perform and people around me dont like me wtf
Golf..im unsure about getting on the team and want to know by you reading this will i get on the team?
there is a junior cup team from my golf club which there are 8 people on the team but only 5 play and 3 subs...its strokes qualifying first and then if we qualify you go into matchplay the next day....we had trials to see who the manager would pick i got up and down alot in the trials and was 1 of the 5 picked to play my friend was picked aswell it handicaps from 5 to 7 im off 6...i had the 3rd best score in the qualifying and we qualified i had 80 strokes and in the match play i won my 2 matchs the 2nd 1 i was under pressure and won my match by getting up and down from under a tree to go on aand win on the play off hole my friend lost 1 of his matchs so as a team of 5 we won over all and we are now in the leinster finals in july...we played the course its being held on twice so far i had a 83 the first time and the others had 79 80 81 82 84 etc...so the other day we played a 3 there were 3 group and we played match play singles we played against each other in a practice and i lost to my team mates losing 1 match on 17 and the other on 18 i had 81 strokes and the other 6 ha 75 to 80....the manager was watching us to see how we played and said he will name the team of 5 for the leinster finals in the next few days....im worried i wont get on even though i won my 2 matchs to get to the leinster finals and had a great match with my team mates even tho loosing close to the end do you think i will be 1 of the 5 men picked for the team
A guy I barely know claimed that I was cheating on my boyfriend. What should I do?
I would definitely talk to him and make sure he knows that what he did was wrong and that if he ever does it again there's going to be a huge problem. I'd talk to him one on one first and if that doesn't work then the group thing should work because he needs to know that he can't go around lying and making things up especially when it involved your relationship and your reputation. Make sure to talk to him asap while this is still fresh in peoples minds don't let it get to be to long before you talk with him and make sure he knows how angry you are with him
Horse show rules and what the heck to do!!!!?
okay so we show at the local shows and they said youth can not show stallions..so i am trying to get youth high point and you had to pick yo cles.. i chose Youth at halter and miniature halter well we just have a pasture mini and of course he isnt gonna win against some little stick leg mini's..another boy showing against me shows a stud and nothing gets said to him..should i say something because that is not fair at all..i was gonna show this georgous little mini stud but no i cant but some how the other boy can..Do you think his points should be taken for breaking the rules????
Is my weight all right?
k..... so i am pretty sure i'm 5 foot 7 inches and between 115 and 120 pounds and i am 12 years old. i dont have a scale (the last time i weighed myself wuz at a friend's house). sometimes i freak about what i eat and i try to count my calories, but other times i just eat whatever. i exercise at least 30 minutes about 5-6 days a week (or more). people think i have a really bony , but i have a lot of friends that are thinner than me. im usually a size one or two in pants...but my stomach (mainly my obliques) is kinda flabby.
OMG HELP!!!! Twins with colic?
I'm at my wits end. My 6 week old twin boys scream all the time, ... expecially in the night hours. Nothing I do seems to comfort them. They act as if they are starving to death. ... craming their fists into their mouths. .... when I try to feed them, ... they wont eat and instead spit their milk everywhere and continue screaming. I have no help and am literally surviving on caffeine pills, .. which I know isn't good for me. Their doctor suggested that I give them chamomile tea before their bottles, ... it's provided little to no help. Can anyone tell me how to comfort my little boys. I feel completly helpless and I think I will go cry with them now.
Spyder paintball?
WTF i went to spyder's website and instead of finding paintball stuff like i wanted all i found was all this skiing crap. how do i get to the paintball stuff?!?!?!?
If marijuana was legal, what do you think the legal age would be?
I think it should be 21. Some poeople say 18 because its smoking and people smoke cigs at 18. But you dont get high from a cig. Technically you do but you know what I mean. What do you think?
Why am i randomly waking up 2-3 times in the middle of the night (please read details)?
This may be within normal limits, but many times when people awaken during the night, it's because they have low blood sugar,or hypoglycemia. See if eating adequate protein along with some carbohydrate at dinner, will take you through the night. Try this for five straight days. If it does not, you might try looking up and perhaps purchasing some Melatonin. Again, try it for five straight days. Best wishes.
What does the color green mean suggestively?
I'm not talking like green as in envy or as in environmentally friendly, but what does it mean when people talk about green in a more suggestive way. Like does it mean slut or marijuana or something?? I'm confused.
P4p top 10 in all 5 divisions in mma?
Pound for pound means compared to everybody...it can't be pound for pound if it's just one division.
Just wondering how many people out there have weird fantasies?
OH ME ME!!! i hav this one where im bangin the olsen twins at the 50-yard line of fedex ex field(ravens stadium) how hot would that be!?
My girlfriend has broken up with me...and sadly it has taken this to happen for me to realise................?
I suffer from mild depression,& been on medication for few months (I stopped taking about 3 weeks ago). We got on great, loved each others company,& were just really happy as a couple. She broke up with me a few days ago, as a result of my behaviour towards her, when we were out in the pub. I took the huff with her over something very silly, refused to speak to her, & got really drunk. The next day she told me I said alot of nasty & horrible things,& she felt scaired of me.On top of that I have been moody towards her, been in and out of bouts of depression, & generally not being much fun to be around.I have been abusing alcohol alot recently,getting drunk most weekends,drinking during the week,going out to the pub on my own and getting into all kinds of states.I have been too self absorbed in myself to realise how my behaviour has been affecting her.Im not a bad or normally nasty person.I now realise that I have not been helping myself, & really adding to my problems...................
History question..............?
Their were many reasons including the fact that only your husband could see you with your hair down because it was a cultural distinction. Also it was more practical to have your hair pulled back. Think about all the work they had to do. It wouldn't be easy to do that with you're hair going everywhere. They also were not able to was their hair as much as we do, so having it up with help in keeping it clean.
Can someone help me on these questions A. B. & C please?
How was the development of English government affected by a.) the Magna Carta? b.) The Petition of Right? c.) The English Bill of Rights?
Mexico allows the possession of 5 grams of marijuana and 1/2 gram of cocaine, what do Americans think about it?
Maybe this will show the US that the legalisation of cannabis will not bring down civil society. Apart from fewer arrests the legalisation of cannabis doesn't not have a negative impact on a community.
Bob dylan and janis joplin (directed at teenagers, but can be answered by all)?
They are both screechy voiced, un-talented twits. They only reason they were popular is because everyone at the time was so wasted out of their minds, they didn't know what they were listening to. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a big fan of either one of them. AND I'm old. Try the Doors or Led Zepplin...they are both from the same era and are way better than Dylan or Joplin.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Similar artists to these bands?
The bands i mostly like are AFI, A Day To Remember, Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, and thats pretty much it. I like some Rise Against, Killswitch Engage, Taking Back Sunday, Breaking Benjamin, Bullet For My Valentine, Scary Kids Scary Kids, and bands like that. Anyone got any band suggestions for me???
Where can I watch scooby doo movie 2002 online?
Just click here ---> a href="http://www.letmewatchthis.com/watch-1588-Scooby-Doo" rel="nofollow"http://www.letmewatchthis.com/watch-1588…/a
What do I say to my Mother in law who won't acknowledge who I am but only around Filipinos?
Rather then let her fumble for words, answer the question for her and say Hello, I am ________ her daughter in law, I am married to her son _______ nice, to meet you.
Why is suicide considered cowardly, why does one have a duty/obligation to live life instead of calculating ne?
Suicide is forever, you can't undo it. It is the easy way out of your problems. Seriously if your thinking of suicide, DONT DO IT. call a counselor or the suicide hotline
Comments on my new chapter?
i would have to agree with 'heart' the speech is too formal. i half expected them to get up, bow to each other and begin waltzing around the room (no offense, then again when you say that it means you said something offensive... sorry) but they should have more of the teen slang today. the room has a pretty good description though. just keep working on it and it all will come to you :)
Do all families have a family well? Please read my tribute.?
This is extremely easy to read and fathom, I love it and I do believe I have a well, I just never thought of it quite like this.
Why does my corsa b drink petrol?
I recently had a new engine dropped into my 93 corsa b sri but for some reason it seems to be drinkin petrol no like no bodys business, anybody have any idea why this is?
Last season a pitcher for the boxerville fighting bluebirds threw 5 complete nine-inning games during which h?
ast season a pitcher for the boxerville fighting bluebirds threw 5 complete nine-inning games(45 innings) during which he struck out a total of opposing players. How many batters did he strike out per 9 innings pitched
What are some good ideas for a webshow?
me and my cousin are wanting to make a webshow and we want to know what to do. we want it to be absolutely hilarious! and we want it to be skits. if you have ever watched any jkl productions videos than you know what im talking about. we want them to be like jkl productions. i already made one video. it was called eskimo goes camping! it is funny. i dont mean to sound y but it is. its very retarded but still its hilarious! help us out.
Should I follow Pascal's wager and believe the thousands of gods that man has created just in case?
Actually, you only have to believe in the gods that can beat you up. So yes to Thor, and Horus, and Ares, but no to Jesus, Thoth, and Hephaestus (actually, he can beat you up, but you can out run him and his club foot).
Im thinking of a 4th tattoo in between a few things, help me out
I like number 2. I do like the fading shears thing. It makes sense and has meaning to you and that's what matters when you get a tattoo. You are the one who is going to have it for the rest of your life so go with your gut and get what you really want. It's your body.
PEOPLE THAT KNOW TATTOOS - what are the best places on the body to get a tattoo that won't droop with aging?
Look at your mom or grandmother- is that area drooping on them? You have the same genes, so you will likely age the same.
I need a new facebook name...?
At first my facebook name was my first and last name but a lot of people started to change it and um so did I. First it was Diana Emily Smiles then it was Diana Melanie Hearts and now its Diana Hearts You. I was thinking of making my new one either Diana Aquamarine (since thats my birthstone) or Diana Kristen _______. Pleeeeeeeeeessssse give me some ideas. It has to start with Diana and then include a middle name and fake last name...i'll give out 10 points asap!
Guys: What would your reaction be if a good male friend you thought was straight told you he was bi?
I am apparently a straight guy. I don't identify as a gay guy. I've never felt "in love" w/a guy, but have had several long-term relationships w/women. I have had w/a few guys and love it. I had a very good friend that I thought might feel similarly but kept it under wraps. While under the influence we messed around a little...mostly j/o watching . Since then I have moved away and the relationship has chilled considerably. How do you guys feel about this? Would you have oral w/a male friend who you liked, trusted and was discreet?
How many rakkah shuld we pray for taraweeh?
i went first time today alhamdulilaah, and i did 20 (may Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala except from me), sum left after 8 and sum left after 12, i was told there was difference of opinions between each 3, so what is ryt, backed with Quran and/or sunnah please... hukren and salaam
Sorry to ask again, but no1 answered. 10 points?
Well, i think oyu should just leave the ball in his court and let him choose what he wants to do. he knows how you feel and hes 17 so if he feels the same, he can ask you out. that is weird though, maybe he just is stupid and doesnt know what he wants... some guys are like that. and asking you to hang with his mates... i think he just wants to be mats but maybe friends with benefits... ask him about it though
What are some good themes for a homecoming or backwards dance?
Last year for backwards we had Jungle-Boogie this year for homecoming we had a Night at Paris. What are some good themes for backwards a.k.a Morp. Our Sopre cl is in charge for my student government cl and we need idea! please!
Guys Bedroom (ladies Please Help)?
Just had a questioon about a Guys Bedroom. I mean What do women think if theres nothing but scarface stuff all over the room? Like what certain things can A Guy like myself do to my room to make it look like a lil kid sleeps in there.. Like should there be a certain theme to the room? My prob is that i got scarface posters all in my room, its a VERY CLEAN room, but girls say Im just a lil kid when it comes to my room!! please help!!
How can I stop feeling weird about this?
a coworker and i were emailing each other and he said let's make luv and i said i wasn't sure. anyway later on in the day, he told me he wanted to touch me and me touch him. i then changed my mind and told him i wanted us to touch. after his shift was over, we met at the top floor of the library which is where we work and we tried find a spot, but he had bad breath and looked unclean. he could tell i wasn't sure and told me we shouldn't do it since i wasn't sure and that i wasn't into it. he just seemed really cool about it when i asked him if he was upset and he seemed laid back. he could tell i was nervous and confused and he kinda hugged me. the next day i emailed him from home saying that I want him and me to still do it, but then he said he couldn't do it since he was horny and that i should do it with some1 i luv since he has a gf . he said he was sorry/ that he hoped i didn't feel used. thing is i try to talk 2 him like nothing happend, but sometimes he acts distant
Does wearing a bra make ur more likely to sag or more perky then not wearing a bra?
Your will sag over time no matter what. Large will sag more because there is more weight for the muscle and connective tissue to support. Wearing or not wearing a bra will have little to no effect on sagging, only age and weight. Strengthening your pectoral muscle can make your s look perkier and slow sagging some. Try doing some push ups or bench press.
Gardeners: Do you own a Cyclone Rake?
my son got something like this to handle his oak leaves and acorns.... it's too loud to use in a neighborhood ..... you'd be okay on your nine acres, I'd think......
Beautiful waitress, what should i do?
Almost every weekend i go to this awesome bar/grill by my house on the marina. There's this beautiful waitress that works there i see her every time I'm there. But ever since last night i can't get her out of my mind. Usually i think about her but get over it, but this time i just can't get her out of my mind and i have this strong feeling for her inside that telling me to do something about it. Any tips or ideas on what i should? I would love to eventually ask her out. I usually go with my family since we are all off doing are own thing during the week this is how we catch up. And some of the servers already recognize us.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
What Can You Expect When Dating a Good Catholic Boy?
I just started dating a great guy who is catholic. He has already told me he doesn't believe in premarital (fine by me!) but what else is he allowed to do? I mean, can we make out and how far can we go? I know this sounds like a dumb question but I really don't know the answer and since we just started dating I am afraid to ask him for fear he will get the wrong idea about me but I am curious! Anyone know and willing to share the information with me?
In the name of secularism, why Christianity "alone" is targeted and marginalised in UK?
certain people and organizations have an agenda to, among other things, eliminate Christianity from the world. the devil's children reveal themselves by oppressing those in whom lives the Truth.
Car Crash question in regards to the stop sign right of way.?
Suppose Maggie was headed north through a 4 way intersection but came across a stop sign in which she brought her vehicle to a complete stop, moved a little forward because the trees and parked cars were blinding her view. She looked both left and right prior to entering the intersection when didn’t see any approaching traffic, she accelerated into the intersection. Suddenly Pam appeared within the intersection heading west driving ped speed limit and collided with Maggie. Pam did not have any stop signs so Maggie was put down as failure to yield the right of way from a stop sign. Pam however received no citation for her speed. Are there any exceptions to the right of way rule which could help Maggie? (Hint: both women are above age) Are there any past cases which could help Maggie?
Which paintball gun should i use?
Im goin to boss paintball tomoro, n this is the first time i have evr played paintball. Im not all that scared, im just not sure which gun to use. THe rentals there are the smart part vibes and sp1s paintball guns and i have the spyder rt-l. I dont know which one i should use. I have nvr played and dont know much about these guns soo i do need help deciding which one to use. Plz answer asap! thank you with all the help
What would you do in this situation?
Here's the situation-I took a job back in March at a daycare center, part time as a floater (which I am very overqualified for but I needed the job). When I was hired I was told flat out that if something opened up I would get the position. Then she went and hired another full time teacher for the cl I wanted. This past summer, I was promised a full time position in December. One of my co-workers (the one I was supposed to replace) decided not to leave, and decided she wanted more hours. So over the last two weeks, I have lost 25 hours. I am currently putting in applications elsewhere, and my dilemma is this; if I get an interview and get hired for the position I want (which I should, because of all my experience and education) they want to hire ASAP. Should I warn my current boss that I am looking to leave? I don't want to put in my two weeks notice in case I don't get the position, but I don't want to walk in one day and say "I quit, buh-bye". Not that I would feel guilty after how much she has screwed me the last few months, but it would be unprofessional. What would you do?
Some people will not use a library to find answers or ask a librarian for help. Why?
Possibly because they are shy, or because they do not realize they can ask a librarian for help, or because they have become accustomed to looking for help on the Internet.
Has anybody ever put racing seats in a porsche 944?
I wouldn't put those in a civic, let alone in my mustang or a Porsche. If you want good seats, be willing to pay good money. Sparco, Cobra, Recaro are all good brands you can trust.
Shifting solenoid?
I have a 2002 ford focus and the computer diagnostic says that I have a bad shifting solenoid.It wont shift into overdrive..when it trys to it just gos into nutral.Is this part hard to change?
Has anyone ever had their bf ask for "space" and not ended up broken up?
My bf of 2 months, who has also been my best male friend for a year and a half, got upset with me the other night. I did not follow through with some plans we made for me to stop by and visit him. I was in touch with him via text and he knew I was with friends, but when I offered to come by later than we planned, he said he was going to go to bed. I felt very bad about it and apologized for making him feel unimportant. He accepted my apology but then said he needed some "space today". Well, it appears that the space is going on for longer than that. Now I am wondering if he really wants to break up but doesn't want to say it. I am trying not to ask too many questions or put any pressure on him, but I feel in limbo. I told him I wanted to make things as easy as possible for him, implying that I accept if this is a breakup, but he said he is just overwhelmed and confused and needs some time, that this is not the "end of all". I will see him at work in a few days. What to do?
Question about Life Insurance Policies.?
I have decided to look into getting a life insurance policy. My boyfriend would be my beneficiary. We aren't married but have been living together for 6 years. I just want to make sure he will be able to pay off all of our debt house included and have a little extra money in the event of my death. I was looking at an amount anywhere from 200-300k. That would take care of all debt and give him a little extra. My question is will there been a problem getting a policy since we are not married?
1st BCT (ft drum ny)-orders canceled next for them?
So 1st BCT (brigade) had orders to go to Iraq in January, and now there canceled! Anybody got a clue why? I know the soldiers of 1st BCT don't, and quite frankly we would like to know!! I understand its the Army and things change, but we would like to know what to expect...whats next for us? Are we staying here or are we looking at Afghanistan?? Anybody that might have a clue if you can let us know whats up!!! Thanks a million!
Is it possible to get pregnant with antithyroid antibodies?
my tsh is in the normal range now but my antithyroid antibodies are greater then 1,000.. is it possible for me to get pregnant and carry to term?
Don't answer if you're not going to tell the truth and be SERIOUS! - HELP! - Can anybody get pregnant? =(
No, they will not be able to get pregnant. They would all die before someone else puts the gles on. Don't worry, it won't happen. Take a breather and calm down.
I wud like to know if someone cud help me ive neva had a l has ne1got a idea to help me get 1?
i hav great wiv my fiance its just i cant get a orgasim i wud really like if someone could help me or tell me how i cud get on
Could you recommend some really good fantasy novels?
I don't know Ian Irvine, but I really enjoyed some of Terry Goodkind's books. The beginning of the Sword of Truth series is really very good and interesting.
What was the deal with the William Horton ads during the 1988 Presidential Election?
I heard those ads were aimed at white women who feared getting d by black men. What other purposes did they serve?
Tiny pregnant bump? Shouldn't I pop?
Hi, I am about 5'4-5 and have gained 18lbs since my last prenatal last week, and the doc says everything is normal and my baby girl is growing normal. But.. In a few days I will be 28 weeks now and I seriously still have a tiny belly like a 4 months preg person or something. All my sisters were "huge", they really were gigantic and I was looking forward to having a big cute baby bump and instead I have to really exajerate or flaunt my tummy with certain shirts just to get anyone to notice. Otherwise I hear, "I didn't even notice you were preg" alot. Or "wow your really due in a few months". I ume I am carrying more inside because I always have major back pain and my organs are squishing and hurting but I really want her to just pop out. I feel her "all day long" She is quite the hyper little mover in there. It's pretty easy to feel her from the outside too. I was dieting before I was pregnant and lost 20 pounds, got down to 110lb. I was pretty tiny and my family didn't really like it, said I was too skinny. So now that my belly isen't blowing up they tell me that im still too small, "im not feeding her" ect. And I get sad cause I eat like crazy. The docs told me not to listen to them that everything is normal. I just look at babies 28 weeks on the internet and they look huge or how it says she should be like 2 1/2lbs and 15 inches, and I try to envision her in my belly that big and can't imagine she'd fit unless she's literally taking up even the space of my back bone! I wonder if she's just very tiny or what. I hope she's ok, I just thought i'd pop out forever ago.
I am a dancer but i hate cles what should i do?
i love dancing but ui hate cles i have realized that wen i go to cles i get more and more less enthusiastic about dancing... instead of learning moves i forget moves and i need opinions on what i should do!!! help plz!!
Boys!!! Help!!!!!Car question!!!?
Im looking to trade my Mitsubishi Eclipse 1999 Spyder convertable for a jaguar.One problem, i dont have a clue about jaguars. Whats a good model?
Is it fair that an innocent person is incarcerated while others that have plead guilty to worse crimes are not?
First, you don't have your facts straight...polygraph tests arent admissible in any court in the country. Secondly, if two people testified against him, that is pretty strong evidence. You need to consider the possibility that he actually did do the crime.
Need a place to live and can't seem to ever get one can some one help???
Arlington Wa or Marysville area's would be great currently work at angel of the winds casino and would love to stay close to work
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
How do I know if my dogs are fighting or playing?
I have two dogs, a German Shepherd, and a Black Labrador. The GSD is around 9 weeks old and the black lab is around 7 months old. I recently introduced the GSD to Alexa (the lab) a week ago (she was a christmas gift) and they seem to be playing (or fighting) a lot. They get on the floor and start wrestling all the time. Whenever I hear any growls or squeals I separate them. It can get pretty intense sometimes. They are both females. Is there any way to know when they are fighting and not playing?
Do i have a brain tumor?
One of the nasty side effects of anxiety and panic disorder is the feeling of "impending doom", meaning that you think you are going to die any minute now, but have no specific reason to validate why you feel this way. If you've been taking the Paxil for 2 months now and it isn't helping, it is probably a good idea to switch to another medication or to increase the dosage. Talk to your doctor about it. You may also need to start taking an anti-anxiety drug, such as Xanax or Valium along with the Paxil. Please see your doctor as soon as you can. Meanwhile, look up signs and symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder as well as the signs and symptoms of Panic Disorder. You will find that your symptoms will probably match one or both of these conditions better than "brain tumors".
Does it ever annoy you when . . . ?
haha yeah it kinda annoys me, thers a difference between typing fast and usin internet lingo, and intentionally spelling everythin in like frickin japanese.
Positive OPK at 8DPO? What could that mean?
I know I ovulated about 8 days ago, positive OPK and ultrasound confirmed I dropped 2 eggs. Bloodwork also confirmed this. A few days ago OPK was completely negative (blank second line). The next day darker, then darker, and now 8DPO its positive again? Is it normal to have a surge twice? Dr is on vacation. (of course!) Nurse scheduled me for another ultrasound in about a week. Hope everything is okay! I was on Letrozole, so Im hoping its NOT possible to ovulate with meds then ovulate by myself!!!!
My Cat not well..is it FIP? or summit else?(cltching at straws???)?
Talk you to your vet, they don't mind. There are two types of FIP wet and dry, if it is FIP which is very hard to diagnose. If it is found to be wet FIP then its not good news, dry FIP your cat can live an indoor life. But talk to your vet.
Sudden bump on wrist?
Earlier today I was skateboarding and fell. When i got up i noticed that there was a bump on my left arm just below the wrist joint on my pinky finger side. I compared it with my other arm/wrist and the left one was much bigger. It is hard and bony like just wondering what it was. I have looked into ganglion cysts but not sure if that is the case because i haven't seen anything on the internet about it being in that spot.
Who else would want this?
a scooby doo wrestling game! me and my friends thought it was the most hilarious thing ever (at the moment). you could play as scooby and chokeslam shaggy to the ground! that would be so cool.
Alrighty, lets see here..?
he likes you... thats more than just friends. He obviously feels comfortable and close to you otherwise he might have just hugged you but probably not picked you up. I think that when a guy just kind of wraps his arms around your shoulders (the kind where its more like he's leaning on you) thats more friendly. When he puts his arms lower like around your waist and hugs you it's like he's leaning into you and thats more than friends
How much should website optimization cost for a medium sized business ?
Maybe a three-six month deal to see how it goes. It depends what the business is. Is it just for web presence? Or do you hope sell more product or services through the website? Do you want to spend money on Adwords, local directories or just increase your visitors? We, at a href="http://www.ds32.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.ds32.com/a are looking after acouple of sites optimization. Our clients are very happy so far although the processes are more art than science. We would love to help promote your website using the techniques we have gathered running our primary financial site. This is www.shareworld.co.uk This site is beginning to reap rewards from our labours. As an example try and Google the phrase "Beginners guide to investing" and see where we come. this is quite impressive and lots of large corporate financial sites would like to be able to show you that.When you think about it is quite an important search term for this sort of site and very competitive. If you feel we could help please contact us on DS32
1990-2000+ tv series about 1 family?
do you guys know about the tv series about where these african american family consist of 1 father 1 mother 1 son 1 daughter.... it was comedy and family..it was kinda like fresh prince of bel air but its not. there was this 1 episode where the father is asking who ate his pie.. then he says if they are not gonna tell they won't let them eat. so he buys alot of pie and he says if someone says who ate it he will give them the pie and etc etc.
Hello my friends in Australia?
Hello my friends in australia, l live in Brasilia-DF Brazil. and l'd like you appraise and tell me how are my english idiom. l write this text right? Thank you.
Why do the Little Debbie commercials have a koala?
So, my roommate and I are sitting here watching Cash Cab and a Little Debbie commercial with a racecar driver and a koala keeps playing. So... what do koalas have to do with Little Debbie?
What is some affordable makeup for stretch marks?
I don't wear sleeveless shirts ever bc I have stretch marks on my arms but I'm in my cousin's wedding this weekend & the dresses are halter top so I'm trying to find some affordable body makeup to cover them. Serious answers only, thx in advance!
Australian/UK immigration question?
Myself and my husband have been married for just over 6 years. He is Australian and I am British. We lived in Britain originally, and then we moved to Australia. We are now talking about going through divorce proceedings as a lot has changed and we are no longer in love. I now feel like my life is in Australia, whereas he feel that his heart is in Britain. (Our marriage wasn't an immigration scam before anyone asks!) If we do go through with our divorce, will he be able to live in Britain and me in Australia or will we be forced to return to our original countries?
Iran vows global response if Iran is attacked?
The days of Israeli arrogance and propaganda are over. The world has had enough of her. Israel cannot attack now, Russia has thrown her hat in the ring and they are not unarmed humanitarians. Israel does not attack when there may be defense or response. If Israel attacked now she would be very lonely.
What's a good university/college for Computer-Aided Design and Drafting?
What's a good university/college for Computer-Aided Design and Drafting? I prefer to study in the aerospace section, designing air crafts.
What is the best kind of mascara to lengthen and volumize your lashes?
the mascara im using right now only gives length and seperates my eyelashes into little sections. I want a mascara that adds voume to every lash and doesnt clump. help!
Why do you claim to "know" god exists? Do you have hard proof?
their answer to this question is always the same: really, really believing something is the same as knowing it.
Side effects of the morning after pill?
I just took the morning after pill a couple days ago. I experianced the exact same thing. Think of it this way. Take all of your birth control pills for the month at once. Thats in a sense what you are doing when you take the morning after pill.I was very neaseous, I had terrible abdominal pain, and I felt like i was on an emotional rollercoaster for two days. I had stomach problems for a couple days, but it slowly faded. If you are not feeling safe to drive a car then dont. Its all about how you are feeling. You are very right about not feeling safe to drive a car. If you feel that way definatly wait until the feeling subsides. It is perfectly normal for those side effects. No worries
What are some emotional needs of families who have a familiy member who has dementia?
Doesn't dementia progress into Alzheimers? Care fibers need Others close to them to show thAt they will help when they can and are there for emotional support because a lot of the time they feel like they're constantly taking care of someone else and not having enough time to focus of anything else
Partial pressure problem!?
A sample of NH3 is heated and completely decomposes to N2 and H2 in a closed container. When the reaction is complete, the total pressure in the container is 868 Torr. What is the partial pressure of N2 in the container. Please explain!!! Thank you!
How do u write a great research paper?
i have a research paper for science fair due monday, and i need help! i just need 2 know about the bibliography part, thats all.
For Christians who claim Satan "puts thoughts in your heads"--then where is your "free will"?
If Satan inserts thoughts in your head, this undermines our ability to know anything about the world.
How good is the economics department at Rhodes College?
Any ranking to support your answer will be appreciated. I'm interested in comparative terms, with other liberal arts colleges, such as Claremont McKenna, Williams, and Var, who all have really good economics departments. Thanks in advance.
I want to get away from everything?
It sounds like you may be suffering from some anxiety, and depression. I would recommend some therapy. Don't focus on the way you feel all the time, and try and think of other things. Nothing is as bad as it seems. I'm sure you'll feel better in a few months, just give it time. Good luck:)
I'm Scared of the Future! Help!?
Geez...why are you worrying over something you have no control over. The only thing you should be concerned about is what you are doing right now. What are the positive things you are doing in your life? Don't get caught up on the "what if's" and the "could be's" in life. If you do, you will stifle yourself and your potential.
Is my baby crawling or scooting?
She scooting! But my son (2y/o) and my friends daughter (1y/o next month) were the same when they were real young. They are just real active babies. She's probably going be on the go a lot in the future. But FYI at her age you should never lay her down to sleep on her stomach! Every doctor and baby book I've read says to always put them down to sleep on their back until their 12 months old. I did cheat sometimes when he refuse to sleep any other way but only when i was right next to him.
How long has it been since you have had a cleaning at the dentist? I know that sometimes when plaque and tartar build up in between your teeth and under your gums, that can be very unhealthy and not only can it cause gingivitis, but it can also cause things such as loose teeth. My husband actually had a loose permanent tooth about a year ago and he went to the dentist. There was something wrong under the gum. They gave him a prescription of pills that he had to take for a week or two and his tooth is fine now. I suggest going to the dentist if it is bothering you or seems really loose. Better to get things taken care of at an early stage then later when things can get worse!
All the expansion packs for sims 2 on pc?
i want to buy all the sims 2 collection, but im not sure what all the expansion pacts and fun pacts are called
Please help, I'm desperate!!!?
My dog is vicious to other animals, and men, and children. My mom thinks she is absolutely the perfect dog! I told her that something is seriously wrong with that dog! She needs like Cesar Milan or Victoria Stillwell, or something! And all my mom has to comment is "Oh no! She's a perfect, sweet little angel. I love her! She improving so much! She doesn't scratch my friends as much any more when they come over!" that's no improvement! She has attacked a little boy on a walk before, viciously attacks other dogs, and hates men! Shes nice to most women and a few men (she's known since she was a puppy, otherwise she hates men! We already had to put down a vicious dog because the law required it, and you would think she would have learned something from that, but it didn't teach her a thing. She has only taken one of our dogs before to a training cl, but this dog has been kicked out of Pet Smart for vicious attacks before we could sign her up for cles. I don't know what to do. I love the dog, but I can't stand her sometimes. She babies the little thing.
Did Tibetan Buddhism allow serfdom and many atrocities to take place?
Yes, I understand from those who live in China, that tourism is allowed only since the Chinese government has started "staging" things for tourists, to mold the impressions the get. Only a fool believes everything they say at face value.
Is there any free dental care for low income?
I need parcel dentures, however my cost after insurance is 1400.00. I dont have the money and I dont have a credit card. I need this soon I have a few tooth that will come out on there own
School Rumble Season 1 eps?
Where can I watch all of the School Rumble season 1 eps? I've seen up to ep 8. I've tried to watch ep 9 but it come up because it was removed.
Two Big Fantasy Trades, who wins?
I like the second trade much more as you are basically giving Drew straight up for Quentin which is a steal. Utley is a hard loss but Romero should fill the spot of Harden nicely. Reimold would be nice to get but McGhee is a solid young prospect and could add fantasy value to your team. Make the second trade. GL
2 questions about a vodafone contract?
I'll be ordering my blackberry curve 8900 on a �30 a month tariff. What I'd like to know is, if for some reason mid way through the contract (24 motnhs) I can't afford to keep paying it, is there anyway i can stop it and change the phone to pay as you go? also it says it will be delivered in 2 - 4 business days but in your experience how good are vodafone with on time deliveries? Thanks :)
Ce chiot est tout petit et tout mignon translate please?
can you please translate the sentence into eniglish. the first and correct right answer will get best answer. it is in french.
Left over bolognese from spag bol last night what to use it for ?
You could add kidney beans and a pinch of chilli flakes to make chilli con carne, you could have rice or nachos then. Or wrap it in tortillas, cover with cheese and bake. Both kinda mexican, my only other suggestion would be lasagne but obviously thats pasta.
What are your thoughts on this Kurt Angle piece I wrote?
So the user KENTA is wrestling and Kevin Eck is one? But seriously this is such a brilliant work! I can see your intense adulation to Kurt Angle. Also his TNA entrance has the most inspirational words ever.
Republicans support our troops?
If you and your fellow Bushies support the troops, why are they coming home and killing themselves because they aren't getting the SUPPORT they need for their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Why aren't they getting the medical care they need? Read Newsweek lately? Have you read ANYTHING lately, aside from books by Bill O'Lielly and Sean Vannity? You, who SAY you support the troops probably don't even know about soldiers committing suicide because they aren't getting help or about the recent Walter Reed scandal. Your greed and elections of frat boy drunken greedy jerks will be the downfall of this once great nation. Your magnetic "Support the Troops" bumper sticker hasn't and will not do any good when you vote for the trash that is currently running this country into the ground
Monday, January 2, 2012
When should i lose mii virginity?
im tempted now i mean mii feelings are really weird but mii brother and parents would get so mad cuz im only 13 but like im so confused what should i do
Wireless router? Sorry I'm not good with this whole technology business?
Don't judge yourself all knowledge's is seen through internet just make some little efforts.examples of those is IT Outsourcing Philippines they have Definition about the product.
Why would the engine on my 95 Nissan Sentra just shut down?
It starts to turn over when you re-start it, but then it sputters. I had the alternator replaced about a year or so ago, so I know that's not it. Any ideas?
Micro hydro system?
I want build a micro hydro system that using water jet as prime mover. The spec of water jet is 40 bar pressure and 17 liter/minutes. Prediction of this system is can produce 1 to 1.5 kw output from generator. Do you think this system can produce this output? With water jet that i use, how much you think i can get RPM(revulation per min) at turbine.
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
Why did the mom on Fresh Prince change throughout the series? I was watching it the other day and noticed. I was wondering because I liked the old mom better than the newer one they had.
How do I find someone that I dated about 12 years ago and lost contact with?
Try to find somebody that remembers his full name you can try in yahoo the people search or in myspace I found like 3 long lost friends. Good luck.
Help!!! viking longship model?!?!?
ok so i have a huge problem!!! ok so maybe a tiny dramatisation lol but i have to make a model viking longship by wednesday! the joy of forgetful children but i have no idea how to start or anything and any POSITIVE feedback would be fabby! any suggestions would be great! i really need something i was thinking lollypop sticks? or something like that. doesnt have to float just look viking like. thanks for reading the ramble as i said anything would be great thanks :D
Negative HIV Test After 2 Years?
you are fine. It takes 3-6 months for HIV antibodies to show up. i was in the same situation as you. I was in a relationship with a man for 4 years. He was negative. But I was still paraniod. After we broke up I decided to be celibate until I get married. After a year of celibacy I went a got tested for HIV. I didn't think I had it but I wanted to be sure. The results were negative. After another year of celibacy I went and got tested again. The people at the clinic told me I had nothing to worry about but I wanted to be 100%sure. My second test came back negative. I never want to be in a position that I don't know my status again. That is one of the reasons why I am celibate. It just isn't worth the risk. Also I gave my life back to God. The bible says that is for marriage. Anyway you are fine. Thank God for that.
Do you like these baby names? and what middle names would go with them?
No Nolan! It reminds me of that idiot Batman director Chris Nolan. Tumbler is a piece of trash, batpod is a piece of crap, and Joker just plain ugly. He look like a Beetlejuice knock off.
I almost died...I am glad to be alive!?
I literally almost died from huffing CleanSafe Dust Remover. I was high within a few seconds but then my brain started to ring and I couldn't hear. I then walked a little and then the ringing got louder. I then forgot who I was and what I was doing. I remember saying "Jesus." (because I believed I was going to die then) I then recovered barely. Holding my heart, I ran up to my mother and hugged her. She hugged me and I value life a lot more now. I tossed the dust remover and I'm looking to God. My question is, "Has there been any teens that have died from huffing"?
Anyone video taped their labor & delivery?
I would just record here and there, not the whole thing. Once you start pushing, record all of it. Just maybe check in every 30 to 60 minutes and tell the camera how you fell and what is going on. I think that is all that you would need to do because he won't be able to sit there and watch the whole thing. He probably just wants the highs and lows. Good luck.
Who would be your ALL concacaf team?
Onyewu is in Milan because he went as a Free agent. AC Milan dint waste a dime on Gooch. He hasn't played a full 90 minutes with Milan has he? We will see what he can do with Milan and if he has what it takes to play for a top club in Europe who's team always wants a Title every year.
I'm being sued of an auto accident?
The police only took the girl statement and not mine. I am 21 and live at home. I make 9 dollars an hours and only allow tol work 16hrr a week. I don't have a car anymore because she ran into it at 12mn when I was coming home from work..She with 4 other girls ran the light and accused me of the accident. Seem like statement didn't matter and not included on police report. What am I facing and what judgment can be put on me with nothing to give but 16hr salary?
Does game theory support predictions of humanity's eventual self-destruction?
I'm not a mathematician, economist, conspiracy theorist, religious, social, or political scientist. This question isn't put forth to invoke any extreme or irrational responses, nor opinionated speculations. But what I want to know is this: what kind of evidence is there for humanity's eventual self-destruction by the means of its own ingenuity? What kind of informed expectations can we permit ourselves to have in discerning the future of sapiens as a species, whilst simultaneously considering their evolution in thought, in the sense of intellectual capacities? Does the advancement of technology (especially nanotechnology), game theory, and a society's propensity to sensationalism indicate the demise of humanity?
How many one-syllable word sounds are there in English?
hm... well there are lots and lots of one syllable words.... it is hard to name and count them all...
Is my oris dysfunctional? To put it bluntly..?
I know how this Yahoo answer stuff goes- I've seen all the stupid answers and I don't want to hear the same recycled stuff. Basically when my is stimulated my legs shake uncontrollably and I need to squeeze or hit stuff with my hands. Before anyone says this is normal or this means it's great, listen carefully.. it's not a pleasurable feeling. It's not enjoyable. It's just me shaking and wanting it to stop. And I've asked other girls and this is not how they describe it. It stays at that plateau of me flipping out and shaking, but I can't get beyond it and it doesn't feel good. I want to know for sure if this is a medical problem. It's not mental either, trust me..
Why are mirrors seen as evil?
the mirror itself is not evil, but the image that it reflects is always the most scary moer you'll ever see in your life. And Hollywood plays with this concept of fear of oneself, using mirrors. It makes for a good horror film.
Which one do you like?
even though my name is better i think darcy or Kelsey but it depends on the middle or last name you know what sounds better
She never repiled after I poured my heart out!! I'm afraid this friendship is coming to an end!! :(?
Just give her some space for a while, it would be very stressful time for anyone. Friends like you are rare, I hope she knows to keep in contact with you. I always wished I had a friend like that, I only know tools.
Planning for a trip in Vancouver.?
Your best bet would be to take the skytrain to the Lougheed Mall, in Burnaby, then hop a bus to the Coquitlam Greyhound station (it's only about a mile) and then take the bus to Abbotsford. That's the only public transit that is going to get you that far. West Coast Express only goes as far as Mission, but another option would be to take the express to Mission and then hop a Greyhound Bus to Abbostford. Either way, you're going to go Greyhound.
Racially Ambiguous...?
I read your question, thinking what is that supposed to mean? Looked up ambiguous and now I'm even more confused. According to several dictionary sites ambiguous means vague,not clear,indefinite. My thought since I did not see the commercial might be the blending (?) of the races. I'm thinking like Tiger Woods with black, white, asian. It is just a guess!
Does it matter how you cut up a carrot to feed it to a hamster ...?
i read you can give hamsters veggies and i have carrots are there any suggestive ways to cut them up? in to dices, or like circles or sticks ?
What motivates you to keep on answering questions?
Other then the shear pleasure of one day having more points then Judas Rabbi, I dont really know why I still answer random strangers questions. I am amazed to users who are Level 7. But the question is, What motivates YOU to answer question?
Calculus maths problem solving: optimisation. Please Help!?
A rectangular field shares one side with an existing paddock, so requires no fence on that side. There are only 2000m of fencing material to fence the remaining sides. find the maximum possible area of the field.
MA Teacher arrested for hitting 11 year old student "200 x"???
I just think the teacher was trying to demonstrate a persons pain level, but she went overboard! She needs to be kicked 200 times!
Last time I brought up the question about radical muslim teachings in the USA,I was called a racist. I just?
read an article in Britains newspaper that states that the muslims have infiltrated the labour party in Britain to gain political power, to spread jihad. My question is, Why are we as Americans, allowing radical muslims teach hatred toward America and encouraging jihad to continue here in the USA, when we KNOW their purpose? Why are you acting like the muslim movement doesnt exist? IT DOES
Is it any coincidence that UNC is back on top in basketball again just like they were when Dean Smith was here?
and was recruiting the pants off the Dookies and everyone else and would Duke have had the success against the Tarheels is Bill Gutheridge would have done a better job of recruiting because Dean dominated the Blue Devils just like Roy is doing now
Tip for Avent Isis users.?
Mommies,I discovered something useful todayand i feel it's worth sharing. When you start pumping, after sometime, dont let the suction go each time like you usually do while pumping.Let each suction be there for as long as you see the milk squirts through the pump.When they start slowing down,then again let go the suction, and start pumping again and don't let go the suction till the squirts start decreasing again.Towards the end of pumping session,you can pump as you regularly do.I discovered this today and i got same amount of milk in half the time and not to mention half the effort. I hope this tip will help someone.It's worth losing 5 marks;)
Is there any difference between a Judge and a Commissioner?
Judges belong to the Judicial Branch of Government, while Commissioners are part of the Executive Branch. Judges exercise judicial authority; Commissioners, quasi-judicial. An issue is usually ped upon by Commissioners, which, in some jurisdictions can then be appealed to a Judge. A Judge can also refer a case to Commissioners. Judges are learned men of the law; Commissioners are usually administrators of a particular agency (like the SEC) and are deemed "experts" in that field, hence, they are allowed to decide on administrative cases regading their particular fields.
Can I make $60k as an lpn?
You might be able to as a traveling nurse. I am a registered nurse and make 60K without hardly any overtime. It depends on which state and where you work too. I am not sure how much the LPN's make at the hospital I work at but I am sure that it is probably 5-10.00 less than an RN
What should I do and Who should I invite?
Ok, sorry this is kinda long. Ok so, my bday was ages ago bt since I started a new sch I culdn't reali celebrate it cos every1 was new n I didn't know any1. So now it's a few weeks on and I have gotten closer to a few people. Well not just a few people. I'm busy on saturdays so im only free on suns for a small get together. I dunno whetha i shud invite my old friends first or my new on a sun. Whoever I invite i dunno what to do, I'm fifteen so it has to be something good. Anyway when I do invite my new friends I'm not sure who i should invite. I'm close to these four people more than the rest but if i invite them i have to invite these other three people (i like them just not as close, and seven is not too big) then though if i invite them i have to invite these other two people because otherwise i will feel guilty but I like them. And if i invite them i have to invite these other two which i hardly know because they are very quiet but still are in the group of friends. If i invite all of them I duno what I would do with them because my mum doesn't want more than seven max in the house. Then there will be like eleven people that come which I think would drown me. Help!!!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Suspended ebay account-how to open up a new one without it being trackable??
I am an ebay powerseller. I sell many namebrand clothing. Ebay has many times given me account violatoins for "unauthorized item" or "copyright infringement". My items are authentic and authorized but they will not listen to me. After the first violation, they have seemed to "flag" my account and give me violations for every possible thing they can think of. I am about to be suspended I think. I am working on opening up a new account but know they use software to find out people who do this. So far, I have opened up a new bank account in a different state (its just over the river) to register with ebay, and I went to the library to open up the new ebay account and paypal account. I have my name on the new ebay and paypal account, but a different state address. I also opened a new email account with yahoo to use too from the library. My question is , can I now come home and log into my new accounts with ebay and paypal from my computer without them tracing it? Any help?
Why don't black Americans ociate with their Bantu roots?
Instead of trying to claim Nubians who were Nilo-Saharan, the Tamarians (ancient Egyptians) who were Cushitic, and other indigenous Africans? How come they call themselves Bantus but they will proudly refer to themselves as "Nubians" and "Pharohs"? Did you know Bantus were used as slaves across all of Africa and were said to have the lowest IQ of all African sub-groups? The Nubians specialized in trade and business while the Cush specialized in architect and chemistry or "alchemy". Do you know what Bantus were? Farmers and slaves, and in there own west Africa they were lawless savages that use to brutalize and pillage each other. So are black Americans ashamed of this?
Roses (something very hardy)?
I'm wanting to add roses to my landscape not only for eye appeal but for security. I want to plant some Beautiful very hardy roses under my windows so anyone or anything that would try to get up to the window would have to go through some very nice size thorns first. What are some roses that you can plant and forget (for south east NC), I suck at roses. So I need something, to grow almost weed-like, with large thorns and still pretty. Would u recommend climbers, trees, shrubs or the regular like rose bush for planting under 6-12 foot windows? Extra bonuses would be a patriotic name or something that would attract nectar feeders. I love the Jeken, perkin names for their roses, but I have never tried growing them. Any suggestions or links to specific roses u recommend would be soooooo very helpful. Thanks to all the rose growers out there.
Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Getting Bigger by the minute??? plz girls/women only or really helpful men. No smart alecs
I like to eat. I dont over eat, or at least i dont think i do. I excercise at least 2 days a week for about 25 min. I am getting fat and i dont like it! Im 12 going on 13 and i weigh 98 lbs. Is this normal? (I havent had my period yet but i get discarge??) {If that last part matters lol}
Does anyone here go to bms the school?!?
bms in virginia....Ya.so can you tell me.cuz i havent seen any of my friends yett! Its me Melanie.idk if anyone in bms has a yahoo answers thingy.,but it would be kewl if they did.so answer if you go to bms!
Should we buy a home for a short period of time (possibly) or continue to rent?
We got married a month ago and had the misfortune of our apartment getting robbed while we were on our honeymoon. We live in downtown Buffalo, which is full of crime, so we're hoping to get out to the suburbs. The problem is rent is over $850 including utilities, and we do have a lot of savings, so we could easily buy a home - they are inexpensive around here and we could get a decent house for under $100K. The other problem is my husband will be applying for PhD programs for Fall 2009, and there is only 1 program he could commute to from where we live now. We're not sure if we should grit out teeth and throw away over $10,000 in rent for the next year, or if we should bite the bullet and buy a house. Any suggestions from people in real estate?
Are 'dirty' flip-flops 'appropo' in the workplace?
Ladies, I know that those of you who work in an office-type environment like to be comfortable, yet fashionable when it comes to your choice of footwear. But is it ever appropriate to bring as a change of shoes, dirty, well-worn, flip-flops and wear them? I'm talking about the ones with the visible 'toeprints?' And ladies, how long do you wear them before the prints start showing?
Dream fight julio ceasar chavez jr vs manny pacquiao or anontio margito?
Remember Nino LaRocca? He was 56-0 before he met Donald Curry for the title. Curry blew him away. Valuev was undefeated for a long time, too, and he's probably the worst boxer pfp to ever hold a trinket title belt. Undefeated only means you haven't been beaten, it says nothing about how good you are. I'm undefeated, too. The reason people rag on jr is because he just doesn't look that good. Pacman would destroy him, so would Margarito. Jr is as good as you can get with proper training from birth, good management, and a promotional company that feeds you the right opponents. Good for him, but he won't ever be able to beat a great fighter. Those guys are a different breed of cat altogether.
I just want to meet someone who knows what we went through and maybe wants someone to go to a movie or out?
Why am i flat chested still?
at age 15 chances are you will only get a little bigger.. you should stop growing between 18 and 20. I am in the same boat. My sisters are D and DD and i am an A! i know for some people birth control will help increase the size a bit( every one is different). Don't be ashamed.. love the body you have! Strut your stuff in that bikini!
What is the setting of "The Scarlet Ibis"?
It takes place at the home and surrounding swampland of the narrator. I guess that's the "local" part. It is most likely Georgia, South Carolina, or even North Carolina. It's in the South, but a place too far north for ibises to naturally appear. That's the "area" part.
Car running funny any ideas?
My 86 Honda Accord seems to be missing something terrible. Has very little power and backfires quite a bit.....It was running great and stopped and got gas at the local station and parked it in the garage for the night...during the night the temps with wind chills dipped to -30. The next day on the way to work it kept sputtering and not wanting to go once I stopped and seemed to have no/little power. I bought some HEET and put it in at work, have now used 1/2 the tank of gas and still doing it...even when I try to start the car it seems like its not really firing, then will finally start......any ideas ?.....
My boyfriend didn't know....?
no he doesn't have problems...god dnt overreact like that. I mean what kind of a stupid question is that? ppl...en eskimo kiss is when you rub your noses together :) it's cute :)
everytime i try log onto myspace it says "runtime error"...blah blah.i tried turning it off but it still come up.only when i try log into myspace thi happens.help?!
Experts in computer lingo?
Remove your itunes software, re-start the computer, re-install itunes, re-start the computer and should work.
What is the weirdest thing you've seen someone do while driving?
Well this one lady was a big woman and she had a styro foam plate in one hand and a fork in the other. She was eating a plate of lasagna lol. Omg.. It was soo funny. She was driving with her stomach. No lie.
How Can I Get Rid Of Green AV Update Pop-Up?
I have a problem with this Green AV Anti Virus update that keeps popping up on my desktop. I want to get rid of it but it keeps coming back. I tried going to Add/Rem Programs and used the search engine, but they didnt work either. The update shows every min and it wants me to pay $99.99 for it. Anyone know how to get rid of the update? Its very annoying.
Is it OK to date somebody from your company's HR office?
.Can't see whnot.Afterall she's not part of the institutions educational staff.Bet other guys have the same problem.
Where can I find a ceramics mold in the shape of a rhino?
I'm looking for any type of mold with which I could create a 3-D rhino (not a plate; a sculpture) out of clay--either "true clay" (that you fire in a kiln) or polymer clay (like Sculpey). I'm NOT looking for sculptures themselves. Thanks!
Fish Tank Filter help please.?
I have just bought an aquarium set for my daughter, but it has come with no instructions of how to set up the filter! it has suction pads and an electrical lead. I ume it needs to go inside the tank, does the whole of the filter need to be submerged in water? There are some slots in the bottom and a larger slot at the top. Many thanks.
What can I get my blind grandad with dementia for christmas?
those pin toys - a href="http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images/to/toyday-traditional-&-clic-toys-pin-art.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/imag…/a
What is Croatia's attitude towards the EU?
It is most excellent, have a look at this link for all the details; a href="http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/index_en.htm" rel="nofollow"http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/index_en…/a
Does it sound like he'll be okay?
he sounds like hes doing better, and if the vet isnt worried then hes probably going to be just fine
I need to find a website that will walk me through following a sewing pattern my first time.?
I'm using a Simplicity pattern, and I've never done this before! The instructions are all over the place, and unclear to someone who doesn't know the lingo.
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