Saturday, December 31, 2011

Partial Intestinal blockage?

So my dog was suspected to have ingested a foreign object which was later confirmed through a barium x-ray series. The first three x rays showed that the object was in the stomach, the x ray taken the next day 16 hours later showed that it had moved to the large intestines/colon. Vet thought it would just proceed on out. I was told that it would be ok to resume feeding the dog which I did initially with rice and boiled beef (because her stomach was very irritated) for the first three days I gave her about 1 and half cups three times a day as she is a 45lb dog, and now have transitioned her back to dry food which she gets one cup twice a day. The issue is that the last x-ray which showed that the foreign object was in the large intestines/colon was taken on Wednesday the 20th, and the dog has not had a complete bowel movement since 6am Tuesday the 19th. Yesterday the 22nd I thought the object was finally going to be revealed but all the dog gave me was a very very small excuse for a bowel movement, and about 24 hours later today another very very small hard chunk turd and a very very small amount of loose stool, not a large amount at all. I have been feeding her lots, I have seen no evidence of the barium, foreign object or mive amount of feces as I would have expected after all that she has eaten over the last 5 days, she continues to act weak, but still drinks and eats, has not vomited, and to this point does not appear overly uncomfortable. The object has not shown it self in her poop, is it safe to ume that it is still there and it is partially blocking her colon?

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