Saturday, January 7, 2012

A vegan conundrum?

It's called do what you can. I'm no vegan but as a vegetarian or as you... there is no guarantee that you won't be involved in an accident when you go to the store in your car and possibly kill another human being in the process... so what do you do? you aren't into killing people I hope. Well by your reasoning you should never set foot in a car because of the chance you will hurt someone... but you still drive. You watch for other cars and try not to hit anyone... right? In other words... you do what you can. That's all this is about as a vegetarian or a vegan... " What can I do to make a difference?" "How can I reduce my footprint and still live in society?" What it comes down to is this... you find the medium that will allow you to live with your conscience and still be able to function as a human in society... that's it. Again, you do what you can. Understand?

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